How to make the most of National Breakfast Week

How to make the most of National Breakfast Week

29 January 2016

Affectionately known as 'Shake Up Your Wake Up', National Breakfast Week takes place this week and serves as a great opportunity to showcase your best breakfast family recipes! So, if you regularly skip breakfast or if you've grown tired of eating the same old bowl of cereal every morning, here are some of Prestige's top tips on how to create a healthy and hassle-free breakfast:
  • News
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so why do one in four of us regularly skip it? AHDB Cereals and Oilseeds have launched an annual campaign which highlights the benefits of eating breakfast and showcases the wide range of delicious produce that the United Kingdom has to offer.

Affectionately known as 'Shake Up Your Wake Up', National Breakfast Week takes place this week and serves as a great opportunity to showcase your best breakfast family recipes! So, if you regularly skip breakfast or if you've grown tired of eating the same old bowl of cereal every morning, here are some of Prestige's top tips on how to create a healthy and hassle-free breakfast:

1. Opt for eggs

Not only are they a great source of protein and healthy fats, but eggs also contain a multitude of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, D and B12, as well as zinc, sulphur, iron and antioxidants. Regardless of whether you prefer them hard-boiled or scrambled, eggs serve as an ideal addition to any breakfast.,

2. Stay full for longer with wholegrain foods

If your current breakfast routine leaves you feeling hungry by 11am, why not try swapping your white toast for wholegrain, or mixing up some quick-cook oats instead of your usual cereal this National Breakfast Week? After all, out of all of the breakfast foods on offer, those which incorporate whole grains, such as wholemeal bread, oatmeal, bran flakes and rye bread, will keep you feeling full until lunch and offer a broad range of health benefits. ,

3. Bake-ahead breakfasts

If you find yourself short on time in the mornings then preparing a bake-ahead breakfast at the weekend can serve as a far more appealing alternative to skipping breakfast during the week. Pre-cooked breakfast dishes such as muffins, frittatas and smoothies are a great way to ensure you and your family eat a healthy breakfast every day and still have time to spare in the mornings. Why not try our Coconut & Kale Smoothie recipe so you and your family can have a refreshing start to your day? Need more inspiration? Check out the rest of our breakfast recipes here.